Due to a long list of skin problems that I am trying to keep in check with out taking prescription drugs I have been on a quest for chemical free skin care. I recently read a statement that said "If you can't put it in your mouth, don't put it on your body". So I felt challenged to put this to the test. Here is what I have come up with so far:
OLIVE OIL- For many years I have only used oil to scrub my skin. Just recently I have switched from a store bought bath oil to plain olive oil. I have noticed a remarkable difference in the texture of my skin. No need to use lotion anymore.
VODKA - Use in shampoo, for blemish control, as a disinfectant, toner, and mouthwash (an extra shot in the evening is good too :-)
ROSEMARY - Rosemary smells great! It is reputed to have many uses but I just make a tea and use it as a general rinse after taking a bath - my husband loves the smell.
OIL REVISITED - I use olive or safflower oil to shave instead of shaving cream. Since I started using oil to shave I have had no more razor burn or dry skin after shaving.
SHEA BUTTER (PURE) - This is not the type that you can buy from the big box stores. I bought mine from a store in the underground in Atlanta. They sell pure shea butter that has only been boiled to remove it from the nut and worked by hand to a semi softened state. You must work it with your hands a bit to soften it enough to spread but it leaves my skin silky smooth. Women in Ghana use this shea butter for cooking, skin care, waterproofing, insect control, and an amazing amount of other things around the home.
MAKE UP - I don't' wear a lot of make up but I do like to have a foundation just to even out all of the different colors that come with age and I do like a bit of mascara. I just placed my first order with a company that has signed a compact with the 'Skin Deep' website and I look forward to trying and reviewing their product.
The most amazing part of this project so far is the SAVINGS!! So far it appears that natural skin care is not only more healthy but it can be cheap too - now that's right up my alley!
Have you been wearing the make up that you ordered? If so, how has it worked out?